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Dr. Pelo

Dr. Pelo Scalp Tonic

  • Payment
    L/C(sight) , O/A , OT , T/T
  • MOQ
    1,000 ea
  • Supply Ability
    10,000 ea per One-Time
  • Supply Details

    Depend on quantity

  • Country of sale
    Americas, Asia, World Wide
    • FOB

      USD 7.00

      (1 Set)


  • Brand
    Dr. Pelo
    Model Dr.Pelo Scalp tonic
  • origin
    Republic of Korea
  • Size(Capacity)
  • Material
    Rosemary Oil
  • Function
    Hair loss is prevented or the thickness of hair increases.
  • Features
    As 10 natural extracts including green tea, artemisia absinthium, houttuynia cordata, iris ensata, c



As 10 natural extracts including green tea, artemisia absinthium, houttuynia cordata, iris ensata, centella asiatica, morus bark, coix lacryma-jobi ma-yuen seed, polygonum multiflorum root, cnidium officinale rhizome, and rosemary and gardenia yellow color and natural preservatives are used, its effectiveness is to prevent hair loss and increase the thickness of hair. It is very excellent for activating cytothesis and cell regeneration overnight. After shampooing, lightly dry your scalp, sprinkle and applylightly into scalp, and rub it in before going to bed.


Specialty: Is featured with Sophora which is a helpful component that expands capillaries to cleanse blood and remove sebum. Promotes healthy hair growth and reduces hair loss.
Scent: Rosemary Oil
Ingredients and Main Functions
 L- Menthol: It which directly acts on the skin on the scalp, is effective against inflammation. It  acts on the mucous membrane of the skin to relive itching. Its antibacterial effect destroys virus of human body and increases immunity. Especially pulls the skin and shrinks the pores, keeps the skin healthy.
Salicylic acid: Removes dead skin cells under the epidermal cells. While creating a space for new skin to grow, it promotes the production of collagen and elasticity. Especially, it permeates into pores piled with sebum, removes dead cells and has an outstanding anti-inflammatory, anti-dandruff and exfoliation effects.
Dexpanthenol: Quickly absorbed into the epithelium and endothelium and immediately converted to pantothenic acid(VitaminB5) to regenerate damaged skin tissue. It has an excellent moisturizing effect and fortification of hair root to help maintain a healthy skin.
Dr. Pelo Tonic is safe to use for all skin types, even for the most sensitive skin. Because, other than three main helpful ingredients listed above, there are rosemary, green tea leaves, and many natural extracts added in a bottle of Dr. Pelo Tonic to provide an effective solution for your damaged hair and hair loss. Rosemary provides more oxygen and nutrients on your scalp to promote hair growth and prevent dandruff and hair loss. Green tea leaves has antioxidant effect, soothes irritated scalp and sensitive skin.
[How to use]
After shaking the bottle, spray onto the scalp and gently massage with your fingertips.
t side.jpg

You suddenly have serious itchiness and dandruff has increased.


01 First sign of hair loss.

• If you find oily dandruff rather than dry dandruff like powder when you scratch your head, it is more dangerous.

• This oily dandruff includes itchiness.

• If you scratch scalp too much, it is on open wound. And these wounds cause seborrheic dermatitis.


02 Hair particularly gets thinner. It is not as easy to groom your hair as before.

• If you recently feel that your hair gets very thin, issoft, and is not easily groomable like before,  hair loss is beginning.


 03 Suddenly, you lose your hair.

• In case of normal hair loss, you lose 10 to 100 strands of hair.

• These can be temporary symptoms.

• But if the symptom is suddenly severe, you have to suspect hair loss.






4.3cm X 17.5cm / 204g


This supplier supports payments for offline orders
  • Letter of Credit : L/C(sight)
  • Open Account : O/A
  • OT
  • Telegraphic Transfer : T/T
  • 기타결제는 문의바람
Contact Payment Manager
  • Name : Rajun Lee


Shipping from : Republic of Korea
  • 22 Samyang-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul (02732)
  • The person in charge

  • Address

    22 Samyang-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul (02732)
•Since its establishment in 2014, Foxtron has developed a range of hair products including “Dr. Pelo,” a hair loss prevention brand and other products aimed to prevent hair loss, such as shampoo, tonic, and treatment. The firm’s performed clinical tests on 50 hair loss patients at the Korea University Ansan hospital for about a year to prove its effectiveness. Shortly after Foxtron released its own shampoo and tonic in June last year, the firm has participated in various beauty exhibitions and counseling sessions in Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam. •Dr. Pelo Scalp Shampoo & Tonic has three main ingredients: salicylic acid, L-menthol and dexpantenol. Salicylic acid penetrates the pores, remove dead cells, and produces anti-inflammatory, dandruff and exfoliation effects. L-menthol increases the body's immune system through anti-bacterial actions and pulls the skin to contract the pores to maintain a healthy skin condition. Dexpanthenol regenerates damaged skin tissue and is highly effective in moisturization and fortification of hair roots. Dr. Pelo Scalp Shampoo& Tonic also uses about 10 natural extracts as ingredients, such as sophora, hawthorn, rosemary and green tea, which make the hair roots strong and are effective in removing sebum and anti-inflammatory as well as skin regeneration. Dr. Pelo has differentiated itself from other major natural extracts, with the highest proportion of the hair loss products available on the scalp. However, the amount of these natural extracts vary widely from product to product. Premium products may contain extracts from 10 to 20 different plants, but most of them contain less than 1% of core plant extracts. We have raised the content of these key plant extracts to 10%. •Dr. Pelo Treatment has herb medicine extracts which prevent dry scalp and itching keep your hair healthy. Capsules of tropical fruits make the delicate scent last long all day long. The product provides nutrition for dry hair and scalp by containing patented extracts of a high concentration of complex amino acid and protein and antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. It is not sticky even though you do not wash it out during busy mornings. Dr. Pelo Miracle Repair Treatment is the new-concept perfume treatment product which is excellent for moisturizing effect and at the same time, satisfies healthy scalp. •Dr. Pelo has differentiated itself from other major natural extracts, with the highest proportion of the hair loss products available on the scalp. •Dr. Pelo aims to become the ‘BTS’ in the field of hair products. If we only count on product strengths such as ingredients and effects, we are confident that we can compete against major name brand names.
  • Business Type :
  • Main Product :
    Dr. Pelo Hair loss shampoo
  • Established :
  • Total Annual Revenue :
    3~5 million (KRW)
  • Total Employees :
    Less than 5


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  • Total revenue
    3~5 million (KRW)
  • Total export revenue (previous year in USD)
  • Number of foreign trade employees
    Less than 5


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Foxtron.,Inc Seller's Store
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  • Response Level
      41% ~ 50%
  • Supplier Level
      1 million to 10 billion(KRW)
  • Transaction Level
      less than 5
  • Dr. Pelo Scalp Shampoo
  • Dr.Pelo Miracle Repair Treatment