[Product Description]
MEDIKORS Inc. developed ‘InAlyzer’,
the diagnostic X-ray imaging system uses DXA(Dual X-ray Absorptiometry).
‘InAlyzer’ can analyze Bone Mineral Density and Body Composition (BMC, FAT, LEAN) of alive lab animals in units of 0.001g with simple anesthesia without dissection.
And Serial assessment is possible for each entity of alive lab animals that can save the time, labor, and cost efficiently. Moreover, ‘InAlyzer’ have researcher be safe from the radiation by blocking off the outside exposure of the radiation with internal protection structure.
‘InAlyzer’ approved the effectiveness, accuracy, and successful qualification in the preclinical phase.
[Product Feature]
Ultra high resolution DXA(Dual energy X-ray Absorptiometry)
Digital Radiography System with
Body Composition Analysis function for lab animals
Needs of InAlyzer ;
body composition analyzer for lab animals
Academic and pharmaceutical researchers commonly use mice and small animals for investigations of genetics, cellular physiology, and of agents affecting bone or soft-tissue composition. Bone and tissue composition measurement using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) measurement eliminate the need for destructive chemical analysis, a time and labor consuming process that requires days or weeks to complete.
DXA measurement allows the researcher the opportunity to make multiple measurements in situ during the life of the animal - providing true longitudinal measures. Unfortunately, the spatial resolution of table DXA measurement is too poor for mice and the rectilinear scanning process of older peripheral DXA measurement require too long time for a total body acquisition with relatively poor precision and spatial resolution. The long process requires careful sedation techniques and often endangers animal's safety. The InAlyzer (Medikors Inc.) provides bone mineral density and body composition results from total body imaging in less than 60 seconds by quick mode.
Additionally, InAlyzer makes nearly zero X-ray radiation with internal protection structure for researcher's safety.
Commodity Description
A. Feature :
1. Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry scan for laboratory animals
2. Digital X-ray Imaging
3. Low dose X-ray Imaging with zero exposure to the human (1m distance)
4. High resolution X-ray Imaging with 108um resolution
5. Body composition Analysis function (BMC, BMD, FAT, LEAN, etc.)
B. Specification :
1. X-ray Source :
1) Buit-in monotank type X-ray generator
2) 55KeV, 80Kev changeable voltage for DXA scan
3) 1.25mA tube current
4) Fan beam collimation
5) 0.5mm focal spot
2. Detector :
1) sensor pixel resolution - 54um
2) sensor type - TDI CCD
3) optic - direct coupled
3. scan area
1) Image area - 140mmX210mm, 210mmX315mm(option)
2) positioning paper - guide line to position
4. measurement time
1) 1 min - quick mode
2) 3 min - optimum mode
3) 5 min - accuracy mode
5. ROI(Region of Interest)
1) number of ROI - 5
2) number of XROI – 2
6. Results parameter
1) BMD - bone mineral density (g/cm2)
2) BMC - bone mineral contents (g)
3) FAT tissue in gram (g)
4) LEAN tissue in gram (g)
5) %FAT - FAT/(FAT+LEAN) (%)
6) Bone area in cm2
7) Bone % to total weight - BMC/(BMC+FAT+LEAN) (%)
8) FAT % to total weight - FAT/(BMC+FAT+LEAN) (%)
9) LEAN % to total weight - LEAN/(BMC+FAT+LEAN) (%)
10) Total weight - BMC+FAT+LEAN (g)
11) Estimated bone volume - (cm3)
7. Precision error
1) Total body BMD (CV) - 1.0% static condition, accuracy mode
2) Total Body %FAT (CV) - 5% at 25% fat
8. Physical Dimension
1) size - 740mmX430mmX717mm(WxDxH)
2) weight - 115Kg
9. Internal X-ray protection
C. Consist of :
1. Device including Power Cable, Lan cable, USB cable 1 EA
2. Operation PC (with Software) and accessary - option 1 SET
3. Positioning paper 3 EA
4. Reference phantom for Daily QC 1 EA
5. Calibration phantom for recalibration 1 EA
6. Local analysis program - option 1 EA
7. User Manual 1 EA
8. Cover for storage 1 EA
D. Remarks : (Terms of Supplier)
1. The installation and operation should be carried out by supplier's responsibility at end-user's site
2. One year warranty service should be provided by supplier
3. Training and installation Service from supploer should be available
The person in charge
Gillian YoonAddress
124 Sagimakgol-ro Jungwon-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do (13207)Please enter the text on the left image to prevent automatic input.
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