The person in charge
KyuHyung Yoon
369 ,Cheonho-daero,Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea (02633)
Genome refers to the smallest unit of chromosomes that contain genetic information. Genome Genetic Map involves with cell regeneration and replication in human body. These Genome Genetic Maps varies from person to person and also contains genetic information that will be transferred to the 2nd generation. There is a correlation between Genome genetic information and the constitution theory, and science has verified the close relationship between Eastern Constitution Classification and certain chromosomes of Western Genome Map.
Genome & Medicine Co., Ltd. studies the correlation between this genome and constitution classification by focusing on the vitality of pharmaceutical composition based on this theory, and gathered many data through practical clinical tests and has been materialize the statistics. From the process of this R&D, we closely monitored the fact that susceptibility to disease and its medicine gets differentiated in accordance with the Eastern constitution and Western genetic information. Thus, Genome & Medicine Co., Ltd. tries its best to accumulate the core technical skill and new product development to allow tailored health care to the constitutions.
Thank you.