The effect of Revital on Andropause symptoms
Decreasing of testosterone |
(Severe decrease from forties) |
Men’s vigor decrease |
Increasing risk of prostatism |
Mental behavior change |
Muscle density decrease |
Muscle strength decrease |
Abdominal fat increase |
Increasing risk of osteoporosis |
Disability of blood circulation |
Men’s vigor Increase
Decreasing risk of prostatism
Increased diuresis
Muscle density increase
Abdominal fat decrease
Decreasing risk of osteoporosis
Improving blood circulation
Improving testosterone
(Recovering normal level of testosterone after taking Reviatl)
Testosterone level
After taking Revital
Normal range
- Improving PSA level– Increasing testosterone level – Improving muscle density - boosting immune system –Improving blood circulation – Recovery of fatigue – Improving memory –Antioxidant – Necessary for normal cell division
- Korean FDA approved Health Functional Food.
- Produced in GMP facility
Cell culture: Primary Leydig cell isolation
from24 month old rats
Concentration : 50, 100 ug/ml
Treatment periods : 1 day
Hormone measurement : RIA
Testosterone (pg/100㎕) |
T-norm 100 ug/ml |
261.5 |
T-norm 101 ug/ml |
T-norm 50 ug/ml |
239 |
T-norm 51 ug/ml |
Con |
188.5 |
Con |
Increasing production of male hormon
[Animal trial]
Animal : 8week and 20 month old SD rats
Route: Oral Administration
Dose : 13ug TS/g-body weight/day
Periods : 2 weeks
Blood sampling : From tail vein by catheter
Hormone measurement : RIA
Aged rat Testosterone increased 30%
Young rat Testosterone increased 50%
Randomized, double-blind clinical trial of T-norm vs placebo on the andropause symptoms of the aging men with late-onset hypogonadism
Supervised by: Pr. Francois-AndréAllaert (Mdeical evaluation Chair ESD & Cen Nutiment Dijon, France)
Objective: The main objective of the study was to evaluate versus placebo, the effect of the T-norm on the physical functioning, the male hormone rates and the satisfaction of aging makes presenting late-onset hypogoanadism.
The physical functioning and the satisfaction of the men statistically and significantly increase in the group T-norm vs placebo in parallel with a maintain of Free Androgen Index while it decreases significantly in the placebo group. T-norm tends to counteract the late-onset hypogonadism consequences in the aging male.