When using IoT-based HW sensing equipment(barcode, RFID, NFC, BLE, beacon, GPS, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, motion sensor, wearable device, smart device), integrated IoT SW can optimize the IoT service and automate businesses.
- Convergence type IoT middleware can be operated as a unified system of sensing equipment SW and RFID middleware by JAVA
- Accepts IoT sensing device, RFID fixed type and portable reader at the same time
- Can control allowed IP with the access right module developed for security enhancements.
Installation program
Manual Guidebook
Key Features
- Convergence type IoT SW is converted into JAVA, and the sensing equipment SW and RFID middleware tasks can be operated as a unified system
- Accept IoT sensing device and RFID fixed type and portable reader at the same time
- Development of one access right module for security enhancement enables to control access allowed IP
- Mass event management module development enables simultaneous management of events caused by using multiple clients
- Various IoT sensing devices can be used by selecting the necessary modules to develop the interconnection module
- Reduced initial construction cost of IoT management system through converged IoT SW
- Various DBMS (Oracle, MS-SQL, MY-SQL, Tibero) Reposity support