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Anti-Oxidant Defense Essence

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    OT , WK
  • MOQ
    1 Set
  • Country of sale
    • FOB

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  • Brand
  • origin
    Republic of Korea
  • Size(Capacity)
    3.4fl oz


About the product
  • 4 Way System to make your wrinkle cells younger, lifts fill lines, brightens and consists of an anti-wrinkle effect.
  • Apply to areas of skin with hyper-pigmentation, dark skin sports, age spots, freckles, melisma, uneven skin tone and discoloration.
  • Consists of ingredients such as Adenosine, Ginseng, Aloe Vera, Vitamins and extracts to provide a brighter, healthier and moist skin.
  • Good for all types of skin; dry, normal, oily and/or a combination. Can be used on the face and the body.
  • Apply twice a day to see full potential of the product.

Product description

Product Description
The Anti-Oxidant Defense Essence consists of: Fermented garlic extracts to enable a healthier and elastic skin. 
Adenosine to improve your wrinkles.
Ginseng, Pleuropterus Multiflorus, Eleutherococcus Senticosus to provide a moist and smooth skin. 
Vitamin B3 to help whiten and brighten your skin.

Effects of the Essence:
Makes your skin look brighter and cleaner.
Eases wrinkles on the face.
Helps change your wrinkle cells to become younger and vitalized.
Helps continuously prevent wrinkles forming.
Helps make your skin become more elastic.
All these effects are able to occur on all skin types.

How to use:
Apply an appropriate amount after washing your face clean, and massage onto your face.
Alike the image on the instruction page, massage thoroughly on the areas 6, 8, 9, 10 and/or 12, 1, 3.
Massage onto your skin twice a day, in the morning and at night.


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Shipping from : Republic of Korea
  • 108-502, 경기도, Hwado-eup, Namyangju-si (12172)
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  • The person in charge

  • Address

    108-502, 경기도, Hwado-eup, Namyangju-si (12172)
'Hanaro Food' is a company founded in 24th of October, the day also known as United Nations Day, in 2011. First, Let me introduce interesting story about polished and hulled rice. Have you heard of a bird called Tree Sparrow? When both polished and hulled rice were given to Tree Sparrow, he ate hulled rice without any hesitation. Polished rice was not even an option for him. According to modern science experiments, hulled rice is composed of embryo bud of rice with 66% of nutrient component while polished rice recorded 5%, and it clearly explains why Tree Sparrow chose the latter. In matter of fact, in hulled rice, ratio of the embryo bud of rice stays only 1%, which means that there is only 1 gram of embryo bud in 1 kilo-gram of hulled rice. But, interestingly, this 1 gram makes change in our body. In this 1 gram of embryo bud, there are nutrients that strengthen and maintain our immunity and health system. It shows that hulled rice, and its embryo bud is promising food for mankinds. Accordingly, it is already produced and sold om OEM by GMP facilities-equipped-pharmaceutical companies and is officially registered to FDA. Furthermore, its safety is proved by various chemical experiments including heavy metal, pesticide residue and various nutrients carried out by certified laboratories in United States. There is a quote in the East, that 'it cannot be healed in the hospital, if it cannot be cured by foods'. There's another saying, 'skilled doctor is not one who cure disease, but one who prevent disease'. By taking embryo bud of rice consistently, you can strengthen your immunity and would not be exposed to diseases, including adult diseases. Most of health functional foods have pros and cons, but once you experience this product yourself, you will find out its exclusive and sole value. This is why I call embryo bud, the 'seed of life'. Why don't you join with me, to the exclusive and sole value? The only reason of 'Hanaro Food Corporation'. Thank you.
  • Business Type :
  • Main Product :
    Brown rice bud embryo
  • Established :
  • Total Annual Revenue :
    Less than 100 million (KRW)
  • Total Employees :
    Less than 5


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  • Total revenue
    Less than 100 million (KRW)
  • Total export revenue (previous year in USD)
  • Number of foreign trade employees
    Less than 5


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  • Response Level
      41% ~ 50%
  • Supplier Level
      Less than 100 million (KRW)
  • Transaction Level
      less than 5
  • Hanaro Food Brown Rice Embryo 30 Packs (1 box (30 pcs))
  • HANARO FOOD Brown Rice Embryo