Pure and clean skin tone, blusher and lips dwith coral tone, Finish your coral make-over with vivid eye-liner.
If you wish to be lovely dand cute at the same time, you will be ready with Color coral wonder girl.
roroko auto eyebrow
Autotype which beginners can use easily and create natural, deep and uniform eyebrows.
rokoko x-layering four eyes
With simple four multi types, you can apply various colors and sparkles gently to make your eyes look natural
roroko fix all day eyeliner
You can keep a vivid eyeline all day because it lasts long. Made with the very fine brush, provides delicate make-up without hurting your eyes.
roroko long lash mascara
Made with light materials, can create neat curling eyelashes, making them look very natural and puffy.
roroko lovely blusher
With clean and transparent coloring, it gives natural and healthy look on your make-up
roroko holic glossy lip
With one stroke, gives vivid color and natural look. Making your lips moist all day long.
Cute and fresh! Three things to remember for your fruity and healthy coral make-up!
1. Transparent and Clean Skin
2. Neat Eyelines and Puffy Mascara
3. Healthy Lips like Fresh Fruits
This Roroko makeup box contains below cosmetics to create different makeup looks.
It is suitable not only for professional makeup artists but also for beginners.
Containing several beauty essentials and compatible design, you can bring it wherever you go travel. Auto eye brow 01 Layering four eye (eyeshadow) 01 Fix all day eyeliner 01 Long lash mascara 01 Lovely brusher 01 Holic glossy lipstick 01
About the Brand
Based on the big data of 50 years cosmetics manufacturing history, Roroko has carefully selected the textures and colors with the sensitivity that can express the beauty of Korean women. Enjoy the best experience of Roroko even you play makeup for the first time.
Key Features
Auto eye brow 01
Layering four eye (eyeshadow) 01
Fix all day eyeliner 01
Long lash mascara 01
Lovely brusher 01
Holic glossy lipstick 01
Made in Korea
Additional shipping fees will be charged.