With cold water, enjoy Cold Brew Green Tea!
The manufacturing process for Cold Brew Green Tea is…
Planting & cultivating green tea's young leaves in the early Spring and steam them deeply under high temperature for 50~80sec so that they can be brewed well in the cold water.
1. Cold beverage for Summer!
'Cold Brew Green Tea' steeps well even in the cold water so that you can drink it from your water bottle in the Summer and with the tea bag type of it, you can enjoy it easily.
2. It reflects the greeen tea's dense concentration & rich flavors.
You can enjoy the same level of dense concentration & rich flavors from 'Cold Brew Green Tea' like you drink hot green tea by containing S.Korean domestic green tea leaf and shade culture type of green tea powder in it.
What is shade culture type of green tea powder?
In the early Spring, shade green tea's young leaves from the sun for 20 days to decrease its astringent taste and enrich its flavors.
We recommend to the people who/for:
1. Want to drink cold green tea easily at anytime anywhere.
2. Don't like to drink hot green tea due to its astringent taste.
3. Want to enjoy cold green tea in the hot summer.
4. Want to drink cold beverage after working out.
Brewing Guide for Cold Brew Green Tea:
1. Put a tea bag of Cold Brew Green Tea into the cold water(120ml).
2. After 30 sec, shake the tea bag for several times and pull it out to drink.
3. Please add 2~3 ices if you want.
※Don't worry about the residue (green tea's powder) whie you are shaking the tea bag. They are edible.
Enjoy 'Cold Brew Green Tea' from your water bottle while you are on outdoor activities.
Product Information
Name of product: TEAZEN Cold Brew Green Tea
Type of product: Tea
Volume: 48g(1.2g X 40ea)
Manufacturer & Seller: Headquarters: Acro Tower B-606, Simindae-ro 230, Dong-an district, An-yang city, Kyung-gi province
Factory: 26th St., Hoo-pyung-ro 27, Wonsam-myun, Cheo-in district, Yong-in city, Kyung-gi province
Expriry date: 2 years from the date of manufacturing
Package materials: Polyethylene, Pulp
Main ingredients: Organic green tea leaf 92%(S.Korean domestic), Shade culture type of organic green tea powder 8%(S.Korean domestic)
Caution: Avoid direct sunlight and store it under cool area.
Storage: Room temperature
Certificates in Food Safety & Management
Yong-in Tea factory:
TEAZEN Corp. rigidly selects all the ingredients and provides products at a reasonable price by producing them in the certified & up-to-date manufacturing facilities.
Also, we consider the customers' comfort & health the most to produce the best tea.
Haenam Tea Garden:
Haenam Tea Garden plants and cultivates high-quality of organic ingredients and all of them are certified by orgainc certification.
Also, we conduct various safety test to produce only edible tea leaf through certifed manufacturing facility.