Oberst means the best in German language. Oberst Textile Board is made of PET Fiber.
Polyester fiber is the most familiar chemical fiber to humans and is the dominating textile material at the moment. As you know, polyester has so many outstanding features, which are very durable with fewer wrinkles and with very low moisture absorption, with thermo-plasticity and is strong against acid or alkali etc. With these features, polyester is used in very diverse fields including apparel, interior, and bedding industry etc.
Now we are offering you our Oberst Textile Board for soundproofing, sound absorbing, image printing, interior wall decoration, and stationery etc depending on your smart idea. Also we have developed different devices and tools such as image printing machine, plane, cutting blades etc to process this Textile Board enabling you to apply easily to your requirements. Other devices would be developed upon your request.
It is our goal to have building wear Textile Board by maximizing the advantages of polyester to upgrade comfortableness, and aesthetic sensibility, gracefulness in living.
The entire staff is doing its utmost effort to create optimal conditions and to expand its application area of Oberst Textile Board.
Terms and conditions for the plants to grow out of the soil is essential, but it is difficult to get a good quality soil, in many cases. In addition, when using the existing soil, heavy, easily contaminated and around, I'll use a replacement each time this has been a difficult disadvantage. This focus, we can convert the eco-friendly fiber material for clothing, the optimum plant growth cabinets, hygroscopic, breathable warmth began to develop a new type of artificial soil granted. As far as the shortcomings of the existing soil perfectly complementary products, numerous plants growing from stakeholders, germination of the seeds, planting a cutting, boosted the planet's biomass and crop, and in contrast to the existing soil to fruition, received excellent. In addition, the water used for a long period(1month) , even after the contamination was detected. All the plants up to the culmination in the germination of the use of this product, you can get a superior effect to suggest that.