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Bioklasse Milk Baobab

Bioklasse Milk Baobab 90 Toner

  • Payment
    L/C(usance) , O/A , T/T , WK
  • MOQ
    1 Set
  • Country of sale
    World Wide
    • CFR

      Depend on quantity


  • Brand
    Bioklasse Milk Baobab
  • origin
    Republic of Korea
  • Size(Capacity)
  • Weight
    2 years from date of manufacture
  • Package Includes
    coconut 90 / centella 90


Coconut 90 Toner / Centella 90 Toner : 340ml
Coconut 90
Minimizes skin irritation and safe to use. (Surface-ativated agents, PEG, Artificial fragrance, Pigment coloring, Mineral oil FREE)
A moisturizing toner that mineral and vitamin nourishes skin and keeps the water balance that makes healthy skin by using coconut water.
A whitening toner that milk protein and baobab seed provide moisture & nutrition and niacin amide keeps your skin clear and pure.
Six powerful hyaluronic acid components provide moisture & nutrition and allantoin helps calm the skin which is sensitive to external stimuli.
Bergamot fruit oil(a natural essential oil) imparts a natural fragrance, helping to improve and calm problematic skin .
Centella 90
Minimizes skin irritation and safe to use. (Surface-ativated agents, PEG, Artificial fragrance, Pigment coloring, Mineral oil FREE)
A calming toner that helps calms down weakened skin and keeps the water balance that makes healthy and soft skin by using centella water.
A whitening toner that milk protein and baobab seed provide moisture & nutrition and niacin amide keeps your skin clear and pure.
Six powerful hyaluronic acid components provide moisture & nutrition and allantoin helps calm the skin which is sensitive to external stimuli.
Tea tree oil(a natural essential oil) helps calming down sensitive skin and regulates excess secretion.


This supplier supports payments for offline orders
  • Telegraphic Transfer : T/T
  • Open Account : O/A
  • Letter of Credit : L/C(usance)
  • WK
Contact Payment Manager
  • Name : Shin Jae Han


Shipping from : Republic of Korea
  • 108, Daepungsandan-ro, Daeso-myeon, Eumseong-gun,, Chungcheongbuk-do,, Korea (27670)
Can't find a valid Shipping method for supplier account. Please contact the pertaining representative for detailed information.
Taenam Medicos

Taenam Medicos

www.tnshop.kr Seller_Mail
  • The person in charge

    Taeg Lae Cho
  • Address

    108, Daepungsandan-ro, Daeso-myeon, Eumseong-gun,, Chungcheongbuk-do,, Korea (27670)
TAENAM MEDICOS is a distribution selling company affiliated with TAENAM that manufactures and distributes cosmetics and sanitary products. The TAENAM series consist of TAENAM Household & Health Care, TAENAM KDP, TAENAM HOLDINGS, TAENAM MEDICOS, TAENAM DBI. We manufacture and sell our own brand in our TAENAM Medicos. Launch your own branded brand ' Milk Baobab ' to sell your hair / body / ClearCassimperbased products. Launching ' Milk Barbab Baby ' in 2017, we are expanding our reach to the cosmetics market and the sanitary supplies of our sanitary supplies. Currently, they are online and offline. Online is the social networking, Wemakeprice, Ticketmonster, 11th, G-Market, Auction, Open Market, CJ Auhopping Mall and Lotte.com Sales are on sale for 20 units. Offline is sold in Star Field (Hanam, Goyang), Shinsegae Department Store (Main Branch, Gangnam Branch, Competition point, Competition point, and Centum City Store). POSCO E&C confirmed entry to the H&B Store in 2018 and confirmed its exports to China and Southeast Asia.
  • Business Type :
  • Main Product :
    Bioklasse Milk Baobab
  • Established :
  • Total Annual Revenue :
  • Total Employees :
    51~100 people



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  • Total revenue
  • Total export revenue (previous year in USD)
  • Number of foreign trade employees
    51~100 people


  • No Items
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Taenam Medicos Seller's Store
Seller's Store url
  • Response Level
      41% ~ 50%
  • Supplier Level
      Less than 100 million (KRW)
  • Transaction Level
      less than 5
  • Bioklasse Milk Baobab Baby&Kids Skincare 4set
  • Bioklasse Milk Baobab Baby&Kids Skincare 3set