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Natural Nutrition Hair Cream Soap & Hair Tonic Set

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    L/C(sight) , T/T
  • MOQ
    10 Carton
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    M.O.Q : Negotiable

  • Country of sale
    Asia, Americas, Europe
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  • Brand
    Model Natural Nutrition Hair Cream Soap & Hair Tonic Set
  • origin
    Republic of Korea
  • Size(Capacity)
    Hair Cream Soap 120ml , Hair Tonic 60ml


Natural Nutrition Hair Cream Soap & Hair Tonic Set

Capacity : Hair Cream Soap 120ml / Hair Tonic 60ml

Natural nutritional supplements that there is no any skin irritation
Hair Cream Soap/Shampoo:
Since natural extract ingredients are used, there is no eye irritation when you are rinsing your scalp. Natural extract ingredient of this product eases hair loss due to stress. 
Usage : relieves excessive corneous tissues and sleeks your hair
Hair Tonic:
By spraying nutrition composed of natural extractions directly on your scalp, your problems will be fundamentally resolved. Dry scalp and seborrheic scalp induced by stress, pollution or chemical cleansers are resolved by using this tonic made of natural extractions 
Usage : relieves excessive corneous tissues and sleeks your hair.
'3DAMO' is the best answer for your hair!
Why should you choose 3DAMO natural nutrition hair cream soap / shampoo?
1. Scalp irritation is minimized by using natural ingredients green tea extract effective for scalp health, and pine needles plus jujube extract which contains amnio acid essential for formation of hair,
2. This product is an innovative one developed by 3DAMO which aids cleanness of scalp, strengthening hair root and enhancement elasticity in your hair.
3. By using natural extraction, scalp irritation is minimized. A natural hair treatment product for everyone, regardless of gender of age, who has sensitive scalp.
4. Acidity level for this product is pH.7~7.5, which does not let your scalp go dry.
5. Since this product is water soluble, there is no residue on your scalp(chemical surfactant, fat)after shampoo.
6. There will be no static even if you don't use hair conditioner.
Main ingredients:
1. Green Tea  2. Pine Needles  3. JuJube  4. JoJoba  5. Mint
How to use:
1. Wet your scalp and hair with lukewarm water. 
2. Use adequate amount of the product to make foam.
3. Massage your scalp for about 2 mins with foam.

4. Rinse off with lukewarm water.
Why should you choose 3DAMO natural nutrition hair tonic?
1. This product is a scalp exclusive essence for direct application on your scalp which at the same time minimzies scalp irritation.
2. This product will supply nutrition to hair and hair root direct to make your hair healthier.
3. Highly concentrated natural nutrition will keep your hair healthy to their roots.
4. This product is an actual natural hair treatment product for everyone, regardless of gender of age, who has sensitive or oily scalp.
5. Our innovative technologies make it possible to just spray the product to take care of styling at the same time.
Main ingredients:
1. Green Tea  2. Pine Needles  3. JuJube  4. JoJoba  5. Mint
How to use:
1. Rinse your scalp with 3DAMO natural nutrition hair cream soap. Remove any remaining moisture.
2. Spray adequate amount of 3DAMO natural nutrition hair tonic on your scalp. Lightly massage to let it be absorbed.
3. For about 1 min, use your fingers to massage your hair.


This supplier supports payments for offline orders
  • Letter of Credit : L/C(sight)
  • Telegraphic Transfer : T/T
Contact Payment Manager
  • Name : Soo Hyun Eun


Shipping from : Republic of Korea
  • 36, Yulhaseo-ro, Dong-gu,, Daegu,, Korea (41108)
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  • The person in charge

    Byeongbeom Jo
  • Address

    36, Yulhaseo-ro, Dong-gu,, Daegu,, Korea (41108)
How are you? This is 3DAMO that specializes in producing natural hair products. Thank you for visiting our company which always thinks in your position first and strives to give the best satisfaction. 3DAMO tries our best to make a natural product with the research and effort for six years which can be used by everybody without burden by "using natural ingredients obtained from nature" to reduce the worry of those who concern about hair loss. Consistent mind of those who want to keep elastic and healthy hair even getting older.... However due to various stresses and pollution, environmental pollution etc, the hair of scalp is getting thin and sick, at the end it falls off. Current 3 damo product has been developed to keep healthy and beautiful hair, furthermore to reduce the phenomenon of hair loss with the research and effort for six years. All employees of 3DAMO do our best to provide healthy hair, shiny and strong hair of All customers who use our products. We will keep our promise to become a company of the customer love practice that serves customers beside them, thinks about customer first. We request a lot of encouragement and cheer to 3 DAMO. Thank you.
  • Business Type :
  • Main Product :
    Natural Nutrition Eye Tonic
  • Established :
  • Total Annual Revenue :
  • Total Employees :
    5~10 people


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  • Number of foreign trade employees
    5~10 people


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  • Manucera Moist-Barrier Cream
  • Natural Nutrition Eye Tonic