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Glycerin Soap

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    100 ea
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    Asia, Americas, Europe
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  • Brand
    Model Glycerin Soap
  • origin
    Republic of Korea
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Organic oil soap from Kalman was made after discovering an undried feature in oil that had been pressed together with natural glycerin soap with new plant seeds. 
In addition to the elimination of sodium hydroxide, which is chemically removed without any other artificial ingredient removal, the reaction of sodium hydroxide was shown in reaction to the reaction of sodium hydroxide.
The free radicals and saturated fatty acids with vegetable oils are the core of the saponification phenomenon.
However, for large amounts of food, the process of removing the two products is very difficult and therefore very rare, since the process of removing these two products is eliminated for the sake of the extension of the distribution period and the consumer's health. 
Most hand-made soap manufacturers have been using oil that has been stripped of free radicals and saturated fatty acids, but they are patented to promote the right to correct ‘ natural glycerogenics ’, which is patented in April 2014 and patented in April 2014.
Glycerine soaps made for infants / women / men produce moisturizing moisturizing powers.
With pure glycerin, you get instant gratification every day.
Glycerine is a byword for moisturizing skin. Soothing the skin of humans, the essence of the skin helps to find the best balance of skin fat, while helping to return to pure and clean skin while looking for the best balance of skin.
Pure glycerin soap, made by studying the saponification reaction, using special features of moisture-proof seeds, can feel the moisture in the skin with the fingertips.
Karlgan Organic Gas Company offers a clear standard of foam with plenty of foam.
Dry and waste and pores in the skin, seeking three distinct innovations. It does not compromise with artificial additives.
I will keep the truth as I found it.
And I will focus all my capabilities.


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  • Name : Hyeli Son


Shipping from : Republic of Korea
  • 86, Doraeul-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si,, Gyeonggi-do,, Korea (10551)
Can't find a valid Shipping method for supplier account. Please contact the pertaining representative for detailed information.
  • The person in charge

    Seungho Son
  • Address

    86, Doraeul-ro, Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si,, Gyeonggi-do,, Korea (10551)
We manufacture and sell aging soaps based on homemade soaps and manufacturing process patents. In addition to inventing a method of replacing distilled water with distilled water from a hand-made soap manufacturing process, we developed an aroma water (natural direction) using distilled water. Later, we obtained the patented natural method for humidifier humidifiers and patented method of merchantizing the natural direction of the humidifier using the patented number of natural directions. Currently, they manufacture and sell raw materials such as cinnamon, lavender, cypress, Ottoman, coffee, pine needles, rosemary, peppermint, rosemary, sandalwood, and lemon grass 11 kinds of aroma water. A mini-aroma humidifier with aroma water is also available. Developed using homemade soap and organic refined organic oils and organic oils, it sells reusable socks, organic oils and organic oils as a seasoning product. It is a brand that think about nature and that lives only with it. I pledge Kalman's natural products to find your hidden smile
  • Business Type :
  • Main Product :
    My House Duck-sunni
  • Established :
  • Total Annual Revenue :
    Less than 100 million (KRW)
  • Total Employees :
    Less than 5

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  • Total revenue
    Less than 100 million (KRW)
  • Total export revenue (previous year in USD)
  • Number of foreign trade employees
    Less than 5


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  • Supplier Level
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  • Seventh Magic Orthosket Socks
  • aroma water