For your beauty & health!
Secret cleanser for women,
This is not an option but a requirement.
Cleanser for women, is it a necessary?
The vaginits that all women had expereicend at least one time,
Special care is necessary to protect the women's sensitive body parts.
1. Most of women experience the sensitiveness physically and irregular physiological phenomenon owing to excessive stresses & strict diets.
2. Body wash products that contain chemical detergents weaken the women's sensitive body parts so, women's cleanser is more necessary for women.
3. Hygiene for sensitive body parts is really important because its temperature is high & excessive moisture on it.
Therefore, cleanser for women is an option but a requirement.
Saimdang's cleanser is special.
It contains Saimdang's own combined herbal ingredients such as Rehmannia glutinosa, licorice, dong quai, Torilis japonica, peony, lycium root, cnidium.
Gel type of cleanser, based on Palmultang Extract(herbal ingredients)
This cleanser is manufacutred by SID RS-C Complex(combined liquid for cleanser), based on Palmultang Extract
Ph5 Acidulous herbal cleanser for women
The pH rate for Acidulous herbal cleanser is between 4.0 and 5.0
In order to keep health for the sensitive external genital, maintain pH rate between 4.0~5.0 is really important.
Vagina is acid, water is neutral, soap is alkaline and body wash can irritate the skin of sensitive body parts so, we recommend to use the same acidulous herbal types of cleanser.
Saimdang's cleanser is a bubbleless, hypoallergenic and gel type of product.
With hypoallergenic & gel type of acidulous herbal cleanser, you can maintain the sensitive body parts' cleanliness consistently.
Other competitors' bubbling type of cleanser with detergent.
Saimdang's non-bubbling type of cleanser with no detergent.
How to use:
Apply the proper amount of contents to the skin and massage the applied body parts lightly.
Finally, washing them off with warm water for a while.
Please use it less than 2 times a day.
Acidulous herbal cleanser that is for women's sensitive body parts.
We recommend you to use it for the situation below:
1. When you take a shower.
2. When you want to live in conjugal harmony
3. Before & after working out
4. During your travel
5. Before & after women's period
Q: Is it OK to use Saimdang's cleanser every day
A: If you use an appropriate cleanser for your sensitive body parts, you can not only use it every day like 'body wash' but also maintain the body parts' cleanliness much more cleanly.
Q: Is it OK to use it during a menstrual period?
A: OK to use it during a menstrual period. During a menstrual period, the cleanliness for senstive body parts is more important. Also, during a menstrual period, it is important to replace your sanitary pad frequently to maintain the consistent cleanliness.
Q: When using it, I experienced the cool feeling from the product. Is it OK for body parts?
A: The cool feeling from the product gives you the feeling of refreshment and its scent is pure menthol. So, you can use it sefely.
Q: Is it OK for children to use it?
A: It is made of pure herbal ingredients. So, there is no harmful substances in it even if children use it.