Ultra-Fine Toothbrush for Pregnant. Ultimate softness from brush filner than 0.01mm
oral thealth is important to both pregnant mother and baby in the womb. WHY?
Weakened gums and teeth during pregnancy.
If you are pregnant, tooth brush made for you.
Hormone changes during pregnacy often wakens gums and teeth to cause gum disease, periodotitis and cavities.
Mouth ulcer and bleeding from gums affect not only pregnant mothers but could also be affect navies in the womb.
therefore, special care is needed in choosing soft toothbrushes and oral healthcare products made just for pregnant women.
With Brush Finer than 0.01mm in thickness Extremely Soft and Gentle.
Superbly soft ultra-fine brushes protect gums and teeth with Brush finer than 0.01mm, 2 times finer than other fine brushes.
As if massaging the skin Gentle teeth brushing
Special tooth brush for pregnant women's gum and oral, weakened by hormone changes
Ultra-fine brush thinner than 0.01mmL 2 times finer than ordinary fine brush
Thick planting of brushes in 4 rows. Careful & thorough massage on gum and teeth
Safe toothbrush without harmful substance, tested by certified agency
Beautiful design for the use of pregnant women
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