Uiseong black garlic juice
Product type: Extracted beverage
Net contents: 80ml*30bags
Raw materials and content: Black garlic 98% (Uiseong product), Ginger 1%, jujube 1%
Dosage: Adult daily 1 bag (after meal)
Storage: Store in cold storage or a cool place
Shelf life: 12 months from manufacturing date
The Uiseong garlic is a type of garlic indigenous to Korea that has been grown for generations. Thanks to the cultivation method of planting garlic bulbs, Uiseong garlic contains abundant juice, possessesapeculiar fragrance and pungent taste, and have a long storage life. It ranks first nationwide for the production of northern ecotype garlic. The product is made from black garlic transformed from raw Uiseong garlic (Northern type) that had been ripened for more than one month. The product contains no added ingredients while having an extremely high black garlic content (Solid content of black garlic 13%).
The person in charge
Kwangsub NamAddress
5680-13, Gyeongbuk-daero, Uiseong-eup, Uiseong-gun,, Gyeongsangbuk-do,, Korea (37334)Please enter the text on the left image to prevent automatic input.
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