DNA prep series including Blood, Clinic, and Cell SV kit provide fast and easy methods for the small scale purification of total DNA from various sample species, such as blood, tissues, bacterial or cultured cells, and forensic specimens. Purified DNA can be used directly for PCR, Southern blotting, and other downstream applications. These kits utilize the advanced silica-binding technology to purify total DNA sufficiently pure for many applications. Various samples are lysed in optimized buffer containing detergents and lytic enzyme. Under high salt condition, DNA in the lysate bind to silica membrane and impurities pass through membrane into a collection tube. The membranes are washed with a series of alcohol-containing buffer to remove any traces of proteins, cellular debris and salts. Finally pure DNA is released into a clean collection tube with deionized water or low ionic strength buffer.
MG Clinic Genomic DNA extraction SV miniprep
MG Tissue Genomic DNA extraction SV miniprep
MG Blood Genomic DNA extraction SV miniprep
MG Cell Genomic DNA extraction SV miniprep
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