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Multi Channel Power Factor Control System(comEL-GRIN)

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Multi power factor control system

- It is a multi-channel automatic power factor controlling system that collects power factor data that is transferred in the Modbus protocol method from the digital measuring instrument installed in the distribution panel to control multiple transformer’s power factor with one controller and power factor control panels., Unlike the previous power control method that inserted the relevant amount of capacitors or reactors that are connected in parallel, this method installs power factor controllers on load or on transformers.

- It is a microprocessor-based power factor controller that can control the power factor of multiple distribution transformers from one panel.
- It controls power factors by switching the capacitor into a transformer that requires power factor improvement from one combined controller due to a multi power factor algorithm.

- Electricity cost reduction due to power factor improvement from power transmission and distribution.
- Reduces the cost by adjusting the power factor on multiple systems on one panel in an electrical room
- Through real-time monitoring, when there is a need to check for malfunctions of the power capacitor and for extra capacitors later, it becomes easy to check the amount.
- Easy to expand by developing it in parallel.
- It is used as a voltage control of new renewable energy such as large wind energy equipment, fuel cells and solar energy generation equipment, etc.

Item Problems with the previous ordinary power factor control Improvement measures for the multi power factor controller
Cost Excessive production costs are required and the collection period according compared to the investment is long term With one multi power factor controller and multi power factor control panel, it controls all the transformer’s power factor which therefore reduces the production costs
Management There are power factor controllers for each transformer which increases the management cost and management time Management with one multi power factor controller, reducing the maintenance cost and time
Space Since it installs a multiple of power factor controllers and power factor control panels, there is a lack of space It only requires space for one panel

Comparing ordinary power factor control and multi power factor control for 4 channels
Item Ordinary power factor control Multi power factor control
Power factor control panel Requires 4 sides of distributors Requires 1 side of distributors
Power factor controllers Requires 4 Requires 1 (Multi channel power factor controller)
Capacitor capacity (Qc) 253kVar x 4 = 1012kVar 127kVar x 4 = 508kVar
Installation space (%) 100 25
Installation costs (%) 100 40
Assuming: contract demand 4,000 kW, 4 transformers with capacity of 1,000 kVA, average power factor of 88% for industrial use of contract type high-voltage A receptor, lowest power factor of each transformer 80%, target power factor 95%

Patent registration
- multi-power factor controller (no. 10-1598475)
- power factor multi-controlling of switching (no. 10-1598474)
-  MULTI-POWER FACTOR CONTROLLER(US, Application Number 15/109024)



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  • IoT based Smart switch gear
  • Multi Channel Power Factor Controller