The person in charge
Byung Wook Nam
Wonnamsandan-ro, Wonnam-myeon Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do (27721)
Global leader of oral health product.
The company acquired manufacturing certificate for quasi-drug and medical machinery from KFDA(Korea Food and Drugs Administration).
We provide safe oral health and tooth whitening product that is reliable and credible.
Our company is a manufacturer of Teeth Whitening, Mouthwash, Mouthspray, Bubble Toothpaste, Hand Sanitizer and ETC.
Our products are trusted by users and purchasers with reliable oral health products and tooth whitening products.
Main product
Tooth Whitening System: It is a whitening system for busy modern people. You can have confidence in one hour a day and one week.
Toothpaste: Contains natural extracts that are good for oral health and removes invisible residue and harmful bacterial masses by condensation. ∙ Products containing tocopherol acetate to prevent gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease and gum disease. There are products of non-volatile, non-alcoholic, and uncolored.
Mouse Spray: Add natural extracts for your oral health, so you can have a sense of breathlessness, freshness and conversation.
Foam Toothpaste: Contains natural extracts that are good for oral health and can be expected to prevent tooth decay, remove bad breath, prevent gingivitis and periodontal disease, prevent periodontitis, and prevent gum disease.