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Samyoung Machinery Co., Ltd.

High-quality customized Sand Mold with short-time, high accuracy and complicated shapes

  • Payment
    L/C(sight) , OT , T/T
  • MOQ
  • Supply Details


  • Country of sale
    World Wide, Americas, Europe, Middle East, Asia
    • FOB

      Depend on quantity


  • Brand
    Samyoung Machinery Co., Ltd.
    Model Sand Mold
  • origin
    Republic of Korea
  • Size(Capacity)
    1800 x 1000 x 700
  • Features
    Short-time, High accuracy, Complicated shapes, Less expensive, Small to Large size
  • Package Includes
    Sand mold
  • Style
    Small to Large size
  • Function
    high-quality customized




The reason why you should use sand mold

Sand mold is a sand 3D printing technique that uses sand. It is an innovator brand of 4th era of revolution that produces high-precision and high-quality customized products in a short time at a low cost. Especially, it offers supreme solution in terms of producing rapid manufacture of molds and cores which have a high form complexity and require high accuracy. Our company will lead innovations in casting/molding markets with constant technological development and moreover, will do our best to meet customer's demand and satisfaction. 


• Short-time: It is possible to develop prototype in a short time using sand mold.

• High accuracy: It is possible to produce mold that has a very high accuracy of 100 ㎛

• Complicated shapes: It is possible to manufacture complicated shapes of molding that cannot be produced with existing molds.

• Less expensive: It is possible to reduce production cost to one tenth the cost of existing mold.

• Small to Large size: It is possible to manufacture a single mold up to 1800x1000x700 size by 1 printing.






• Mold or Core for prototype development that needs to be developed in a short-time.

• Mold or Core for components of complex form that needs frequent change of design.

• Mold or Core of small quantity customized product.

• Mold or Core for design products which cannot be manufactured in the form of a  conventional pattern. 

• Mold or Core of large scale products.  







We are available to support the customers, who want to develop innovative products, using our sand mold in the following areas



This supplier supports payments for offline orders
  • Letter of Credit : L/C(sight)
  • OT
  • Telegraphic Transfer : T/T
Contact Payment Manager
  • Name : HAN GEUM TAE


Shipping from : Republic of Korea
  • 39 Wolminonggongdanji-gil (32528)
This supplier supports Air Cargo, Ocean Freight, Domestic Transportation.
  • Sea Freight : Please contact us for carriers inquiry
  • Land Transportation
Shipping Insurance
  • Sea Freight : impossible
  • Please contact your administrator for detailed information.
Contact delivery manager
  • Name : GEUM-TAE,HAN
  • Tel : 82-8241-840-3000


www.sym.co.kr Seller_Mail
  • The person in charge

  • Address

    39 Wolminonggongdanji-gil, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do (32528)
◈ ABOUT US Samyoung Machinery is a global company specializing in engines for power plant, locomotive and marine. Decades of experience and lots of accumulated knowledge in the industry enable Samyoung to have world-highest productivity and price competitiveness accompanied by high performance and environment-friendliness. Samyoung Machinery plays a vital role in domestic ship-building industry by supplying diesel, dual fuel and gas engine parts to engine-manufacturing conglomerates and helping Korean ship-building industry remain competitive in many aspects to be ranked in first place. Approved and credited for technologies and qualities, Samyoung now exports various engine parts to the world’s leading engine manufacturers in Germany and others in the USA, Europe, Asia, and South America. One of the Samyoung’s key characteristics is extensive vertical integration. Samyoung has all the major process in house to manufacture engine parts for instance, design, analysis, casting, machining and quality control. This vertical integration is very rare in diesel industry and gives Samyoung an easy access to accomplish performance improvement, environmental issues and lower price in a relative short period of time. Instead of remaining complacent with the current success and recognition in the industry, Samyoung Machinery continues to invest diligently in R&D for environment-friendly engine with the world’s best performance and is taking one step further to explore new innovative technologies in other industries as well. ◈ DIESEL INNOVATION It has been more than 100 years since German engineer Rudolf Diesel invented a diesel engine for the first time in 1893. Even though there were numerous improvements in engines during the last century, Samyoung is willing to make another innovation with its own technology in this field. Development of high-powered, environment-friendly and price competitive engines are the ultimate goal of Samyoung Machinery Co.,Ltd. ◈ SAMYOUNG GT WAY • Samyoung GT Way is the power that kept the company afloat all along since the foundation in 1975 and the basis of powerful competitiveness that will help Samyoung maintain successful business to become a 100-year-old company. • Samyoung puts their spirit of Pride and Passion into their products. • Samyoung provides High-Quality products all the time. • Samyoung works toward Zero defect in their products. ◈ MANAGEMENT MOTTO • Evergrowing Company • Pursuing to be the Best All the time • Contributing to Society ◈ CORE VALUE All members of Samyoung are to comply with management motto by creating seven core values in daily activities and to do their best by concentrating their capabilities in order to fulfill our mission strategies.
  • Business Type :
  • Main Product :
    Engine Parts, Casting, Sand Mold
  • Established :
  • Total Annual Revenue :
    More than 10 billion (KRW)
  • Total Employees :
    51~100 people


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  • Total revenue
    More than 10 billion (KRW)
  • Total export revenue (previous year in USD)
  • Number of foreign trade employees
    51~100 people


  • No Items
supplier level
Seller's Store url
  • Response Level
      41% ~ 50%
  • Supplier Level
      More than 10 billion (KRW)
  • Transaction Level
      less than 5
  • Casting with Samyoung’s experience and know-how in production of high quality cast iron products
  • High-quality Engine Parts with economical due to greater longevity at competitive prices