1. Name
- Foot Plate for stopping spattered urine
2. Speculation
- Width: 66cm
- Length: 40cm
- Thickness of foot plate: 2cm
- Height when the device is equipped with cover: 11.5cm
- Weight: 1.3kg
3. Place to be used
- Public institution
- Airport, Station
- Hospital
- Public stadium for soccer game, baseball game etc.
- School
4. Merits
- Preventing footwear spoiling from spattered urine
- Decreasing bad small of toilet
- improving cleanliness & sanitation of the toilet floor
- Easy cleansing device: washed-up by water cleanse per a day
- Light to carry
- Durable for small shock
- The device made with plastic product is light and not easily damaged by small shock
- Reducing cleaning person's work burden
5. Cautions
- Usable for male urinal whose bottom is attached on the toilet floor
- Get rid of moisture on the toilet floor to avoid slip
- washed-up by water and scrub brush cleanse per a day
- When man physically sick or weak use the device, supporter's help is requested
- Please keep the device and toilet floor which the device is placing dry during snowy and rainy day