Myeongi is a kind of the spring seasoned vegetables which are bloomed with the fragrance of spring after a long and harsh winter.
At the time of the pioneering period, the old ancestors used to suffer hunger after a long winter when food was scarce, but as the snow began to melt, everyone rose to the mountains of a lot of snow, and continued eating their meal by reaping Myeongi.
As the people maintained their life by eating this seasoned vegetable, it is named ‘Myeongi.’
Ulleungdo is the only region which Myeongi habits naturally, and it is the place that maintains the original eco system.
Myeongi is mainly used as a wrapping vegetable, and the leaves are garlic-flavored and have a lot of fiber. It matches well with oily food such as pork belly, eel, and duck meat.
It is good to eat Chamsumjigi Myeongi by wrapping it with only rice.
Salted Myeongyi does not need additional cooking and takes from the refrigerator 1 hour before eating, and cut in the right size and then serve right away. It has wonderful flavor when you eat with various meats. In addition, it is delicious when you have it as pickled vegetables.