The Analogue Cervicography (Screening test of Cervix), which is developed in University of Wisconsin, is first adopted domestically by NTL Co., Ltd. Since then NTL made efforts in order to drop the incidence rate of cervical cancer, and thus, it has succeed as the rate shifted from 1st place to 7th place. NTL, however, instead of staying still with the results, continued researching and developing to realize the availability of cervicography whenever and wherever the Internet is connected. In 2003, the web-based cervicography was developed, and in 2012, the world first wireless cervicography was developed by NTL. Nowadays, cervicography service is provided to domestic hospitals and clinics, and also those of abroad as well. As a result, NTL could become the top cervical screening service institute with systematic quality control and integrating all the cervical cancer screening tests domestically.
The telecervicography system
TeleCervico is a remote cervical cancer screening system. It complements the high false negative rate (approximately 50%) of Pap Smear as it can raise sensitivity up to 98.1% when combined with Pap smear and 94% as a sole method. Currently it has been proved to be very effective and economical that made more than 5 million women use the TeleCervico.

• A wireless cervical camera
• Medical S/W programs
• Specialized evaluators for examination (takes less than 24 hours)
• Compared to the former screening test which takes maximum a week, TeleCervico is cost-effective in that it.
The world's only wireless digital cervical camera
• Portable camera-battery charge type
• A large camera LCD monitor-3.5"
• Images can be shown on the external monitor and camera LCD monitor at the same time
• No worry image transmission to PC: Store the images i internal and external memory at the same time.
• It's wireless cervical camera
-Telecervico can also be used as a x-documentary camera in the operation room because it doesn't have any wires which means it is easy to carry.
• cervical cancer screening
• Origin : Republic of Korea
• Size : 192 x 134 x 235.5mm (W x L x H)설정
• Features : Portable camera-battery charge type
• Function : Remote cervical cancer screening
• Style : Machine
• Package Includes : Camera, medical S/W programs