Air Purifying Humidifier is designed with simple angular shape and it has various unique features.
First of all, it can care perfectly with 38.5㎡ of largest air purification capacity and 660cc / hr of largest humidification capacity.
Secondly, Air Purifying Humidifier has cleanable fan and safe inner air path that makes easy to clean the water tank.
Thirdly, we use simple structure of filter for assembling and cleaning but this filter is composed of 4 stages of filter system removing pollutants.
Lastly, it has convenient functions including alarm for water exchange, auto louver and triple safety devices.
• origin : Republic of Korea
• Size(Capacity) : 38.5㎡
• Function : Air cleaning, natural humidification
• Package Includes : Air cleaning, natural humidification
• Material : ABS
• Dimensions : 38.5㎡
• Weight : 11.5kg
• Color : White