Our manufacturing chain has produced fast and efficiently products of clients and executed reliable and stable services by through manufacturing system and our staff’s control on the factory line.
We organize optimized combination with development, materials suppliers, assembly and logistics from manufacturing chain in China, Taiwan, Korea, Thailand and Philippine,
so we has helped business of clients by supplying right products on time with not only rapid and flexible, but also reliable production.
■ Service Type
Our service is contract based manufacturing service ( OEM / ODM / CMS ) and take care all processes through receiving order from clients.
(Contract Manufacturing Service)
Provide all manufacturing services from
prototype to production, A/S except specification and product development.
(Original Development Manufacturing)
Provide all manufacturing services from
product development to production, A/S except definition of specification.
(Original Equipment Manufacturing)
Provide all manufacturing services from
definition of specification to development, production, A/S except definition of specification.
Our service is contract based manufacturing service ( OEM / ODM / CMS ) and take care all processes through receiving order from clients.
request of clients for bilateral growths, and it is our secret we have kept long time relationship with clients by sharing profit together.