Ani Test Pregnancy Kit is a home use kit which measures hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in your urine.
The placenta is developed to supply nutrients to a fertilized egg in the endometrium in normal pregnancy. In the placenta, a hormone is produced that forms and maintains the maternal environment needed for the growth and development of the fetus. This hormone is human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG). The Early hCG pregnancy test is very important to protect the health of the fetus and mother from abuse of medications or bad eating habits and lifestyle. Ani test is an in vitro pregnancy test kit that allows you to check early pregnancy by checking the presence of hCG in the urine and it is easy to use and accurate. You must read the instruction before using and be aware of usage and precautions.
[ How to use Ani Test hCG Pregnancy Test Kit ]
One kit for single use. Read the result between 3 to 5 minutes after holding the absorbent tip in the urine for 5~10 seconds. It is positive (pregnancy) results when a colored line is appeared, both test line and control line. It is a negative (non-pregnant) result when a line appears only on the control window.
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