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Dream Sky

Dream Sky Coloring Paper World Trip Travelling Self Color Map Paper

  • Payment
  • MOQ
    1 ea
  • Supply Details

    Price can be adjusted according to the quantity

  • Country of sale
    Asia, Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East
    • EXW

      Depend on quantity


  • Brand
    Dream Sky
    Model Lovely-Map
  • origin
    Republic of Korea
  • Size(Capacity)
    370x260 mm
  • Package Includes
    28 pieces of illustration sketch drawings
  • Material
  • Features
    made up of pictures of the lively landscapes of cities
  • Function
    artwork that expressed the beautiful and special image
  • Style
    Coloring Map
  • Gender
  • age-appropriate


  • It consists of 28 pieces of illustration sketch drawings, which is drawn by Travel sketch designer JunCheon
    Lee. it is made up of pictures of the lively landscapes of cities such as South Africa, Egypt, Jordan, Turkey,
    Israel and Argentina traveling around the world.
  • It is an artwork that expressed the beautiful and special image of Africa, Middle East, Europe, North and Central
    America, South America, Oceania, Asia and other countries around the world through a familiar and hearty feeling
    of a pen. He focused on the harmony of realistic expression and pen drawing to convey the feeling of the city.
  • Coloring paper is not a ‘book’ that is bound together. Since it is made in a single sheet, it has an advantage that
    do not need to be torn. So, it is good to share and color the composed pictures with your friends.
  • The lines of sketch figures in coloring papers are quite detail. The color adjustment of the coloring if important to
    make the best impression of the line. Please paint by separating the empty space, which looks like painted with a
    white colored pencil, and the space to put various colors. Sensation and unique artwork will be completed.
  • Size – 370x260 mm / Material – Paper


This supplier supports payments for offline orders
  • Telegraphic Transfer : T/T
Contact Payment Manager
  • Name : Joon Cheon Lee


Shipping from : Republic of Korea
  • 65 Dongil-ro 124-gil, Jungnang-gu, Seoul (02094)
  • The person in charge

    Joon Cheon Lee
  • Address

    65 Dongil-ro 124-gil, Jungnang-gu, Seoul (02094)
[Company Introduce] The CEO has traveled 150 areas in 33 different countries for a year and 4 months. He has delineated the dream and landscape of village for residents. It was to deliver hope and dream to people. Running out of budget while traveling, he manufactured items to continue traveling. After coming back to Korea, he was inspired from them and established Dream Sky Company by starting to draw the sketch of touring Korea and all over the world and manufacturing them with design products [Brand Story] Dream Sky Bicycles mean romance, dreams, travel, and advancement. The bike only moves when the pedal is pressed hard. Bicycles do not clog anywhere. Bicycles let you communicate and feel. Numerous people's faces, fresh winds, small wilderness in the corner of the roadside Bikes are a great way to communicate dreams. Based on these points, Dream Sky's "Dream" was expressed on a bicycle as a young man traveling around the world. A sky-bike that wants to meet all the sky in the world. So our dream is to have the wings fly to the sky of the world Even today, I stepped on the pedal with my heart of love. - Dream Sky was founded by designer and author Lee Jun-cheon, who made and sold a picture he himself sketched 10 years ago with a postcard, after traveling around 33 countries for a year and four months. Even now, Dream Sky is making various travel cultural products for the earthly tourists with the pictures of travel sketches and drawing maps drawing maps drawn by hand while traveling between Korea and all over the world. Encouraging their analog sensitivity, they are promoting their activities with the slogan "I am also a travel writer," which creates their own travel culture.
  • Business Type :
  • Main Product :
    Drawing World Map
  • Established :
  • Total Annual Revenue :
    1~3 million (KRW)
  • Total Employees :
    Less than 5


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  • Total revenue
    1~3 million (KRW)
  • Total export revenue (previous year in USD)
  • Number of foreign trade employees
    Less than 5


  • No Items
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DreamSky Seller's Store
Seller's Store url
  • Response Level
      41% ~ 50%
  • Supplier Level
      1 million to 10 billion(KRW)
  • Transaction Level
      less than 5
  • Decorating a house_DreamSky D-map Blue
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