“Zirconia Etchant Cloud system” is used for etching zirconia prosthesis with safety and easy.
Zirconia inlay, onlay, partial crown
Zirconia Crown & Bridge
All kinds of low retention zirconia prosthesis
Safety(Safe Shell, Neutralizer)
Using low concentrate HF(9%)
Easy to use(module package)
Good etching surface
Higher shear bond strength with resin cements
Low degree contact angle(Wettability)
Safe Shell x 1, Cloud Pack x 20, ZR Neutralizer(50ml) x 2, Zriconia Etchant(5ml) x 2, Disposable Tip x 20, HF & pH indicator x 1
Benefits of Zirconia etching
More stable and uniform surface than sandblast: Micro-surface analysis (Before / Zir Etchant cloud system / sandblast)
High adhesive strenth solves various clinical problems(defeated & Broken)
More powerful and stable adhesive effect with Zirconia primer
Zirconia Primer's high performance and compatibility with various materials
Primer of various materials; Lithium Disilicate Glass Ceramic, Leucite Reinforced Glass Ceramic, Nano Hybrid Veramic, Feldspar Ceramic, Leucite Ceremic, Composite
*Zirconia primer contains 10-MDP, which chemically improves adhesion with zirconia, hydroxy apatite and calcium ions.