3.7 Ton Leisure Diving Boat
OBJECTIVES(EPCI)-Sales & Full Design Activity/Buliding project Management
PRINCIPAL DIMENSION-LOA: 16.00M, LBP: 13.00M, Bmld: 2.80M Bmax: 3.1M Dmld:0.8M T: 0.45M
company information
Able E&C is a company with the goal of leading the aluminum ship market and has been making great efforts to provide better products to ship owners. Currently, small ships are the focus of providing ship owners' work convenience, and the company's goal is the needs of ship owners. Satisfaction is realized through accurate predictions, and all employees want to provide the best service. In addition, we aim to export our small ships to overseas markets as well as domestically.
size :3.7 Ton
color :Pink and white
weight:3.7 ton
age :Small Vessel operator
expiration date:2019.9~
feature :EPC