LIVEWALK solution count people and analyze visit pattern such as duration time, revisit rate and movement path by collecting Wi-Fi signals coming from smartphones. Very unique and special IoT sensor, LIVEWALK, listens Wi-Fi signals generated by smartphones. Unlike competitors' IoT sensor for counting people, LIVEWALK is able to listen Wi-Fi signals not only Wi-Fi on and Wi-Fi connected to AP but also even Wi-Fi off.
It's very important to understand and improve scale of people around your business places and it will be getting more important to improve your customer insights after COVID-era when you consider to open your new stores or if you're munilipalities or you lead to make a master plan for innovating cities or improving public facilities for your poeple and citizens.
LIVEWALK will deliver the easiest and indepent solution which let you have your own mass floating polulation data or more insights of your customer's visit pattern.
LIVEWALK is widely used in Korea for smart city, smart tourism and as a part of retail tech. If you have your own PoS(Point of Sales) or Android based legacy electronic equipment at your stores such as Android devices, LIVEWALK solution will be the cheapest solution to analyze not only inside of your stores but also poeple pass by your stores.
LIVEWALK product has wide product lineup to suit your business circumstances and your goal you want to achieve. Meet the World's best visitor analytics solution that adds "real-time" to your "big data".