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Corner Guards Protector, Safe Soft PVC Corner Bumper Cushion Corner Edge Protector

  • Payment
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  • Country of sale
    World Wide
    • EXW

      Depend on quantity


  • Brand
  • origin
    Republic of Korea
  • Size(Capacity)
  • Function
    Corner/Edge Bumper Protector
  • Material
  • Color
    Clear, Yellow, Red
  • age-appropriate
    baby, toddler, children, senior


Protects your families and kids from bumping the sharp corners and injuries. (W 2.5” x L 2.5” x H 1”) It can be used to prevent the baby from sharp desk corner bumps, and will prevent babies and seniors avoid injury from sharp walls and tables.
Strong adhesive to keep the corner protectors securely fastened. hold the corner protectors firmly. When you want to remove them, just use warm cloth to wipe out repeatedly, and any remaining adhesive can be removed easily.
Durable and light - It protects children from the injuries and accident of baby get hurting and hitting their head or body on corner objects such as tables, desks etc. Suitable for various sharp edges and corners such as desk, bed, table, bookcase, cabinet and staircase.
Transparent Clear Design – It doesn’t spoil your current furniture and indoor interior. They blend seamlessly with your home, to keep the original look and feel of your exiting furniture.
Reliable Korea Brand! High quality! Double-side adhesive tape provided. Double sided tape provided to stick to the product. Affix to the surface (table, desk etc) Press down to make a good contact.
Can be easily and firmly attached to the surface of furniture, corners and home appliance with right angel.


This supplier supports payments for offline orders
  • Telegraphic Transfer : T/T
Contact Payment Manager
  • Name : Manager


Shipping from : Republic of Korea
  • 2367 Gimhae-daero, Gimhae-si, Gyeongsangnam-do (50924)
  • The person in charge

    Seoyun Kim
  • Address

    2367 Gimhae-daero, Gimhae-si, Gyeongsangnam-do (50924)
"Dream beautiful change with beautiful technology." YBIO focuses on product development and business strategy to expand eco-friendly material products. We research and develop children's safety products and shoe insoles. In order to enter the global competitive market beyond the expansion of customers, we applied for the 'online shopping mall sales agency business' conducted by 'Gobiz Korea'. It's not just 'the domestic market is at the limit' or 'I'm not going to go', but I know and clearly understand what value added is going to provide to our company and local customers, and how it is important to develop in the medium and long term. I think you should design and fit the first button well. In that sense, the online shopping mall sales business conducted by Gobiz Korea will be a great help to our company's overseas expansion in marketing / promotion and active sales / ordering activities by sharing roles and responsibilities with partners. Is done. In addition to providing product information necessary for sales, we will actively target overseas markets by stabilizing products and technologies, securing intellectual property rights and acquiring international standards. Thank you. In order to enter the global competitive market beyond simple customer expansion, we applied for the 'online shopping mall sales agency business' conducted by 'Gobiz Korea'. It's not just 'the domestic market is at the limit' or 'I'm not going to go', but I know and clearly understand what value added is going to provide to our company and local customers, and how it is important to develop in the medium and long term. I think you should design and fit the first button well. In that sense, the online shopping mall sales business conducted by Gobiz Korea will support our company's overseas expansion in marketing / promotion and active sales / ordering activities by sharing roles and responsibilities with partners. Is done. In addition to providing product information necessary for sales, we will actively target overseas markets by stabilizing products and technologies, securing intellectual property rights and acquiring international standards. Thank you.
  • Business Type :
  • Main Product :
    shoe insoles
  • Established :
  • Total Annual Revenue :
    3~5 million (KRW)
  • Total Employees :
    Less than 5


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  • Total revenue
    3~5 million (KRW)
  • Total export revenue (previous year in USD)
  • Number of foreign trade employees
    Less than 5


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      41% ~ 50%
  • Supplier Level
      1 million to 10 billion(KRW)
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  • Eco Phytoncide Woods Humidification Air Cleaner Purifier Flowerpot Fishbowl
  • Edge Soft Bumper Strip (43”/1.1M 2Pcs Clear) Transparent  Furniture Corner Soft Bumper Guards