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Sinnotech Compact RTU

  • Payment
    L/C(sight) , T/T , WK
  • MOQ
    1 ea
  • Supply Ability
    50 ea per Month
  • Supply Details
  • Country of sale
    Asia, Americas, Europe, Middle East, World Wide
    • EXW

      Depend on quantity


  • Brand
    Model SMF-CR204-E
  • origin
    Republic of Korea
  • Size(Capacity)
    233.8*199.8*71 mm
  • Weight
  • Features
    Compact RTU
  • Expiry Date
    Not applicable
  • Material
  • Function
    Telemetry & Telecontrol
  • Color


Sinnotech Compact RTU
The SMF-CR204 model is a compact RTU for the TM/TC slave of the SCADA system that allows I/O expansion by adding only input/output modules without a separate extension base.
It is optimized for monitoring and control of small-scale facilities in various industries with less than 40 input/output points.
Applying a touch LCD display and dedicated app to the RTU device provides a user environment similar to a smart device.
Even non-experts who do not know remote monitoring and control systems can use the RTU functions required for operation and maintenance through short user training of less than an hour.
•Optimized for monitoring and control of I/O points of less than 40 points, such as water supply and sewerage, flood disaster prevention, and various industrial facilities.
•Supports data logging & recovery
•Supports user define logic editing function(based on flow chart)
•Built-in 7-inch touchscreen for user I/F
•Equipped with HMI-level applications
•Built-in IoT Modem : LTE Cat.M1/LTE Cat4 (Optional)


This supplier supports payments for offline orders
  • Letter of Credit : L/C(sight)
  • WK
  • Telegraphic Transfer : T/T
Contact Payment Manager
  • Name : Changhoon Shin


Shipping from : Republic of Korea
  • 30 Gaseok-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon (22827)


www.sinnotech.kr Seller_Mail
  • The person in charge

  • Address

    30 Gaseok-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon (22827)


1. Company introduction CNOTECH Co., Ltd. specializes in SCADA, which has a total solution of the Smart Water Management Supply System (TM/TC, Telemeter/Telecontrol) such as Smart Network Management and Smart Flood Management. 2. CNOTECH Product Features and Rv1A & CR 204 Advantages If you specify the characteristics and technologies of CNOTECH products in a word, you can compress them into three categories: "Easy, convenient, and user-friendly." In the era of the fourth industrial revolution, represented by IoT, big data, and AI, water management technology is rapidly shifting from data collection, control, and monitoring to smart water management technology that includes analysis, prediction, and decision-making. Major government-led projects such as local water supply modernization projects, smart pipe network management projects, smart flood management projects, and AI water purification plants are disproving this. It is no exaggeration to say that smart water management begins with how reliably and accurately remote measurement data can be collected in real time across a wide range of areas, including flow, pressure, water quality, water level, and rainfall. In other words, the remote monitoring control system is the beginning of smart water management technology. Until now, PLC products dominate the market not only in Korea but also in the global market. I think this is not because PLC products are far superior in quality, performance, and technology, but because users prefer large companies due to anxiety about small and medium-sized companies. However, the reality is that PLC products are highly dependent on engineers for stable operation management of remote monitoring and control systems with high expertise compared to other industries such as electricity. Based on patented technology, CNOTECH RTU products are products that reduce professionalism and improve performance and functionality so that users can operate and maintain them independently. Most users are familiar with using smartphones, tablets, and other smart devices. It performs the same functions as the PLC in data collection, control, processing, and transmission, Users familiar with smart device use by applying touch LCD displays and dedicated apps to RTU devices to provide a smart device-like user experience Even non-experts who do not know the remote monitoring control system can use RTU functions for operation and maintenance through short user training of less than an hour, allowing users to operate the remote monitoring control system without relying on professional companies and engineers like PLC. This is a feature and advanced technology of the Sinotech RTU product, which is differentiated from the PLC and third-party product lines. 3. Introduction of IR-200 This product is a low-power remote monitoring control device based on IoT It is a product that succeeded in commercializing the idea of "Developing a battery-powered remote monitoring control device that supports IoT communication," which won the Excellence Award in the Idea category at the 2020 Korea Water Industry Innovation Startup Water. It processes data collection and transmission in real time with only solar power, which is green energy. It provides a dedicated app so that non-experts can easily perform maintenance tasks on the spot by connecting with smart devices such as smartphones and tablets through Bluetooth. It is well-received for its low price competitiveness and easy and easy configuration compared to existing products, and it is applied as a river water level monitoring system for pressure monitoring, small-scale flow monitoring, and flood prevention. 3. IS-XP Series Opens This product is an all-in-one pressure sensor for network management based on IoT. This product was developed in July 2022 due to a K-water purchase conditioned R&D project and is being prepared to be released in the second minute of this year. The characteristic of this product is that it is installed inside the manhole without a separate electricity supply and integrates pressure measurement, collection, and transmission functions with only a battery into one sensor, and it has obtained IoT security certification for the first time in Korea. Until now, there have been physical restrictions on securing installation space for the on-site control panel and accepting electricity to operate the system in order to introduce the pressure monitoring system By integrating it into one sensor, it can be installed inside the manhole of the existing pipeline supply system, such as the water removal room, the expansion pipe room, and the air toilet, enabling the free expansion of the pressure monitoring system. IP68 protection rating in case of flooding inside the manhole, Another feature and strength of this product is that the sensor unit and the transmission unit can be installed in a form that customers want depending on the electric field strength of the IoT network inside the manhole. We are confident that the demand for products will increase after launch due to the price competitiveness that is more than 70% cheaper than the existing pressure monitoring system and the advantage of being installed inside the existing manhole.
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  • Total Employees :
    11~50 people


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  • Total revenue
  • Total export revenue (previous year in USD)
  • Number of foreign trade employees
    11~50 people


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  • Sinnotech Low power IoT RTU
  • Sinnotech IoT All-in-one pressure sensor