The person in charge
Byeng Soo Lee
43-6 Chilseong-ro, Buk-gu, Daegu (41586)
The company name is WAXCO and logo is also WAXCO. As you can see in Logo, it seems to be a company that produces and sells WAX, especially dental technology wax. Founded in 1976 as Daedong Chemical Industries Co., Ltd., it changed its name to Daedong Industrial Co., Ltd. in 1993.It has been changed to WAXCO since 2022. Dental waxes are almost produced and have been in the family business of my father since 1987. The domestic dental technology wax occupies more than half of the market, and the overseas market wants to trade only one company in a country, and is particularly interested in the U.S. and Japan. I will try to be a good producer and seller of buyers. Thank you.