- High Frequency is alternating current which can generate EDH (; endogenous dermal heat).
it uses the principles of the electric circulation through live tissues (which work as resistive medium) increases its temperature,
as when high frequency (500kHz with RF DUO) current penetrates into one’s deep skin, tissue molecules vibrate with electron follow-lng its vibration width, and generate organic heat by rubbing each other.
This heat not just atony connective tissues for muscle relaxation and raising bloodcirculation, but also simulate fibroblasts and alter the metabolism of a adipocytes forskin regeneration and local fat reduction.
4. VACUUM pressure assist
- LIPO-X coupled vacuum pressure (know as endermology) with RF handle for synergic acrion.
vacuum assist RF energy to go deeper inside, and RF helps vacuum pressure to disrupt adipocyte memberanes.
- 4 types and 9 steps of vacuum power LIPO-X vacuum massage with various action type