Highly covering the riverbed and very effective in preventing runoff, making it suitable for scouring prevention and slope protection.
The high porosity of sandstone, providing spawning and habitat for fish, underwater weirs, and stepping stones.
Construction is carried out on the foundation around the pier to protect against damage and erosion caused by running water.
Natural rubber coating enhances crystal strength and is not damaged by sandstones.
Porous civil engineering structures made of eco-friendly materials using high-strength fibers, demonstrating ecological restoration and water purification (inverse indirect acceleration oxidation method).
Products that can introduce vegetation and maximize the water purification effect after fiber net construction.
Allowable flow velocity 4m/sec
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Company Overview
Prior to the establishment of the company, IAN GEOTEC established a technical research team on the production of GEOSYNTHETICS and obtained patents on production machinery and manufacturing methods through continuous research and study with universities and local research institutes.
Throughout the advanced production technique, we are equipped with P.P and P.E.T MAT production facilities with maximum production efficiency while maintaining minimum labor force. Our production facilities and products have been recognized for their excellence not only in the domestic market but also in the world and are gradually increasing our market share in the domestic market.
In order to lead the high-tech industrial society, IAN GEOTEC will secure a growth base through core technology development and continuous management innovation in existing industries and become the best company to stand shoulder to shoulder with leading companies in Southeast Asia and other global markets.
We sincerely thank you for your affection and please keep an eye on our efforts to become the leading company and encourage us.
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