DIASONO 310: Luxury care "Waterdrop Diamond Fill" that fills the skin with excellent moisturizing power and diamond luster.
3/10 MHz Multi-Frequency Modulated Ultrasonic Wave + DIACELL PEEL's Micro DermaBrasion + EP (electroporation) = perfect combination of scaling, regeneration, sedation and lifting
Right now LDM type of device is very popular in clinics and beauty salons in Korea.
There are many other LDM type of devices out there, but DIASONO 310 is very special because it also has DIACELL PEEL feature (with exquisite whirlwind diamond tip, tornado peeling can be done).
Besides, EP (electroporation) feature is added as well, which maximizes the effect of treatment.
1+1+1=3↑, DIASONO 310 will bring you more than 3 times the effect and profit.
3MHz :
It is transmitted up to 10mm depth of skin with 3 million vibrations per second,
stimulating the dermis x-layers and delivering to the cell unit deep into the tissue for micro-massage effect.
10MHz :
10 million vibrations per second, Nano Ultrasound focuses mainly 3mm depth of skin, the epidermis and dermis,
to promote the synthesis of collagen and elastin, the major fibrous protein tissues that make up the skin.
3/10MHz :
3/10 MHz Multi-Frequency Modulated Ultrasound maximizes the benefits of Nano Ultrasound.
As a technique, inhibits the proteolysis enzyme MMPs enzyme, increases the collagenproducing enzyme HSPs,
and increases the GAGs to promote the growth and recovery of cells.
Based on the cross-occurrence of 3MHz and 10MHz of ultrasonic waves,
various skin care is possible through the restoration of painless, anti-aging and damaged cells.
In addition, by adding DIACELL PEEL feature through separate handpiece, the advantages of each method are available at the same time.
These functions can be applied to various adaptations such as sensitive skin, acne skin, and aging skin,
which can significantly reduce the purchase burden of customers who need to have functional devices.